Top Four Questions

As with most orthodontic treatment, the fees associated with Invisalign depends on the complexity of your case. The cost generally is more expensive than traditional braces, due to lab costs.
Yes. In both clinical research and orthodontic and dental practices nationwide, Invisalign has proved to be an effective teeth straightener.
You’ll need to review your coverage as medical benefits differ significantly from policy to policy. Usually, Invisalign is covered to the same extent as conventional braces if you have orthodontic coverage.

Click here to see what just a few of the many thrilled patients are saying about Invisalign and to see their before and after pictures.

General Questions

Invisalign is the incognito way to straighten your teeth without the use of traditional braces. Instead of metal, wires and brackets, Invisalign allows you to straighten teeth using clear, plastic, and completely removable aligners that move your teeth gradually into place.
Yes. In both clinical research and orthodontic and dental practices nationwide, Invisalign has been proven effective at straightening teeth.
Invisalign uses 3-D computer imaging technology to depict the complete treatment plan, from start to finish. These images are used to create a series of custom-made, clear aligners that will move your teeth based on your orthodontist’s treatment plan from their initial position to the final desired position. Each aligner is worn for about two weeks, as it gradually moves your teeth. Each successive aligner will move your teeth closer and closer into the desired position.

There are four primary benefits of Invisalign.

Invisalign is nearly invisible – No one will know you’re straightening your teeth.

Invisalign is removable – You can eat and drink what you desire. It’s also easier to maintain good oral hygiene.

Invisalign is comfortable – There are no metal brackets or wires to cause mouth irritation. This also means you spend less time in the doctor’s chair getting adjustments.

Invisalign allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan before you start – so you can see how your straight teeth will look when treatment is complete.

Aligners are made of clear, strong, medical-grade plastic that is virtually invisible when worn.
Aligners are nearly invisible. They look similar to clear tooth-whitening trays, although they’re custom-made for a better fit. Some orthodontists and dentists have referred to them as “contact lenses for teeth.”
Orthodontists and dentists have used removable appliances for many years when limited movement is required. With the application of computer technology, Invisalign can now treat a broader range of problems with greater precision.
Align Technology, Inc., the company that manufactures Invisalign, was founded in 1997.
In 1945, Dr. H.D. Kesling envisioned that modern technology one day would enable the use of a series of tooth-positioners to produce the kinds of movements required for comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Align Technology has made this vision a reality. Using advanced computer technology, Align generates Invisalign “aligners.” Each aligner is worn sequentially by the patient to move teeth in both the upper and lower arches.
Currently, doctors are treating more than 135,000 patients. The number grows daily.
While Invisalign can be used with virtually any treatment philosophy, specific training is required. All orthodontists and dentists interested in using Invisalign must attend a workshop, before cases will be accepted from their office. Dr. Nikaeen is proud to be a premier provider of Invisalign who has treated over 100s of cases.
Like brackets and archwires, Invisalign Aligners move teeth by using appropriate placement of controlled force on the teeth. The principal difference is that Invisalign not only controls the force, but also controls the timing at which the force is applied. Only certain teeth are allowed to move at each stage, as determined by the orthodontic treatment plan. This results in an efficient force-delivery system.
Yes, the FDA reviewed Invisalign’s application and, in August 1998, determined Invisalign is exempt from 510(k) pre-market notification.

Getting Started

Specific training is needed to use Invisalign. As a result, orthodontists are required to become Invisalign-certified before they can begin treating patients.
At this time, Invisalign is marketed in the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe.

Case Selection

Doctors can use Invisalign to treat a vast majority of patients with fully-erupted molars.
Dentists presently are treating patients with some form of combination of braces and Invisalign. Dr. Nikaeen can help determine the best treatment for you.
Yes, there are clinical studies citing the treatment of complex cases using Invisalign.
Dr. Nikaeen can help determine which treatment is best for you.
Crowns usually aren’t a factor in Invisalign treatment. However, small composites called attachments sometimes are bonded onto teeth to help achieve certain movements. In these cases, Dr. Nikaeen must carefully evaluate the location of any crowns you may have.
TMJ refers to the temporomandibular (or jaw) joint. You may have one or more jaw-joint problems that could be aggravated by appliances and treatments like Invisalign. Dr. Nikaeen can help determine if TMJ would affect your treatment.
Yes. Spaces between teeth are generally easy to close with the Invisalign System.
Because bridges firmly link two or more teeth together, they can create significant resistance to tooth movement. Dr. Nikaeen can help determine whether bridges will be a factor in your treatment.

During Treatment

Most people experience a few days of minor discomfort with each new stage of treatment. Typically described as a feeling of pressure, this discomfort is normal. In fact, it’s a sign Invisalign is working. This discomfort typically goes away a couple of days after you initially insert a new Aligner.
As with all orthodontic treatments, you may experience a slight lisp or speech impediment for a couple days after initiation of treatment. As your tongue gets used to having Aligners in your mouth, these problems should disappear.
Unlike traditional wires and brackets, you can eat whatever you desire because aligners can be removed. Thus, there is no need to restrict your consumption of any of your favorite foods and snacks, unless instructed otherwise by your doctor. Remember to brush your teeth after each meal and prior to re-inserting your Aligners.
We discourage smoking while wearing aligners because they can become discolored.
As with most other types of braces, gum will stick to your aligners. It’s best to remove your Aligners for all meals and snacks.
Simply brush and rinse your aligners in lukewarm water to keep them clean.
Aligners should be worn all day, except when eating, brushing and flossing.
While we are aware that some patients are using aligners for bleaching, Align Technology has not examined the compatibility of currently available bleaching products with our aligners. Nor have clinical studies demonstrated efficacy. Talk with Dr. Nikaeen for more information on whitening teeth.
Dr. Nikaeen will schedule regular appointments — usually about once every six weeks — to ensure your treatment is progressing as planned.
This depends on the outcome of the treatment. Some patients might need a positioner, or conventional retainer. Other patients might need a clear plastic retainer, similar to the ones Invisalign makes. Every patient is different and outcomes vary.

Please call us at (310) 444-1113 or send an email to schedule your free initial consultation. We serve Southern California including Los Angeles (LA), Beverly Hills, and Santa Monica.