Orthodontic Disorders

Orthodontic disorders refer to a variety of alignment issues involving the teeth and jaws. The optimal position for the teeth (known as a bite) is defined when the upper teeth meet in front of the lower teeth on both sides of the mouth.

Virtually not too many people have perfect bite alignment, but fortunately many of us do not suffer greatly due to this. However, in rare cases, some individuals may present with various forms of what is referred to as a “malocculusion,” or misalignment of the upper and lower teeth. Severe forms of this can induce a lot of stress to the jaw and teeth and result in muscle and join pains, increase the rate of tooth decay, as well as cause a variety of other health issues.

In some cases, simple orthodontic treatment will correct malocclusions. However, severe deformities may require more involved surgeries. If you are the victim of a malocclusion, contact Dr. Nikaeen’s office to set up a consultation. The sooner you have it fixed, the more comfortable you will feel, and you will have a better smile to show for it. Below are some of the most common forms of malocclusions:

Crowded Teeth: Crowded teeth occur when there is not enough space in the mouth for all the teeth. This issue gets worse with time as overlapping occurs and teeth push over one another. Cavities and tooth decay can arise from difficulty brushing.

Underbite: A condition whereby the lower jaw extends further than the upper, causing the lower teeth to pull out out from underneath the upper teeth.

Crossbite: In this condition, the upper teeth fit into the inside of the lower back teeth when the jaw is closed. This can often cause misaligned jaw growth as well as other issues. Best treated at an early age as to not disrupt jaw growth.

Overbite: Occurs when the front teeth cover too much of the lower teeth. This excessive bite can lead to many complications such as a wearing down of the teeth and harmful trauma of the gums.

Openbite: Typically a resulting of thumb sucking or tongue thrusting, an open bite is a cosmetic problem but can also result in difficulties when chewing. Commonly it results in a gap between the teeth whereby you can actually stick your tongue while biting down.

Spacing: The opposite to crowded teeth. Spacing occurs when there is too much room in the mouth for the teeth, or if there are teeth missing, if the teeth are small or if the dental arch is wide.

Protruded Teeth: Often caused by thumb sucking, protruded teeth occur when the lower teeth do not extend enough or when the upper teeth stick out too far forward. This can cause a poor bite.

Tooth/Jaw Size Discrepancy: A condition whereby the sizes of the teeth don’t match up with the size of the jaws.

You don’t have to live with orthodontic disorders any longer. Call Nikaeen Orthodontics at (310) 444-1113 or email to schedule a free consultation in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Beverly Hills.