Is Invisalign Expensive?

Having a nice smile is something everyone wants. Crooked teeth, issues with alignment, and gaps can cause insecurity and even result in someone smiling and talking less. Orthodontic treatment can help address your dental issues and improve the look of your smile. If you are considering treatment options, you may want to know how much to budget for. Many ask, is Invisalign expensive? Below you will find helpful information about Invisalign treatment and why the treatment is right for you.

Is Invisalign Expensive?

Invisalign is an effective orthodontic treatment that can address a number of dental issues. The treatment cost can vary based on a number of factors. Your oral health needs, how much work needs to be done, your geographic location, and how much your insurance plan will cover. The national average for Invisalign treatment is between $3,000 to $5,000.

Patients may qualify for up to $3,000 from their insurance company to cover most of the cost of treatment. It is important to consult with an orthodontist in Los Angeles to see exactly how much treatment would cost based on your unique dental needs.

Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that utilizes clear aligner trays to straighten your teeth. The aligner trays are made specifically for you to gently adjust your teeth into the desired position. Throughout the treatment you will switch out your trays every one to two weeks. The treatment can range from as fast as 6 months to as long as 18 months depending on your dental needs. The success of your treatment relies on wearing your aligners between 20 to 22 hours each day. You only need to take out your aligners when you eat, drink anything outside of water, or are performing your oral care routine.

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign offers a variety of benefits as compared to alternative treatments.

  • Fewer Dental Visits: One of the major benefits of Invisalign in Los Angeles is that it requires fewer dental visits as compared to traditional braces. This can help save you time and money over the course of your treatment.
  • Less Discomfort: Adjusting the placement of your teeth can cause some discomfort. Because Invisalign moves your teeth gradually it does not cause as much discomfort as traditional braces.
  • Discreet Treatment: The aligner trays are clear so they are barely visible. This is a great option for adults and professionals as Invisalign is much more discreet as compared to traditional braces.
  • Convenient: Invisalign trays can be easily removed and placed back in your mouth when you eat. The convenience of the aligner trays when you are at work, school, or just out and about makes Invisalign a smart choice for busy people.
  • Treatment Time: Depending on your dental issues, Invisalign can offer a fast treatment timeline. In fact, the average treatment time for an Invisalign patient is one year or less.

Invisalign in Los Angeles

Orthodontic treatment offers a number of benefits. It can improve your oral health and reduce your risk for dental issues. This can help you preserve your natural teeth for the long haul. In addition to improving your oral health, it can also boost your confidence. Those who are unhappy with their teeth often smile and talk less. Avoid this by addressing your dental issues with Invisalign treatment.

If you are interested in Invisalign treatment, the first step is scheduling a consultation with an orthodontist. They can help determine if Invisalign is right for your dental issues. They can also help provide you with a cost estimate so you can plan accordingly. The team at Nikaeen Orthodontics has helped countless patients achieve their desired smile with Invisalign treatment. Contact their office today to schedule a consultation!

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