Tips to Wearing Invisalign LA

Invisalign is a great, virtually undetectable alternative to traditional metal bracket braces. Many people love the flexibility, convenience, and confidence that Invisalign offers over traditional braces. However, Invisalign does require a full commitment from each patient in order to get the best results. Because the clear plastic trays are removable, and should be removed for eating and drinking, the onus can be upon the patient to commit to wearing the trays as much as possible during treatment time.

Dr. Atoosa Nikaeen’s Tips to Wearing Invisalign

There are many tips to get the most out of an Invisalign treatment, and following these as closely as possible will ensure that you will end up with speedy, beautiful results:

  1. Follow the 48 hour rule by wearing the aligners as much as possible during the first two days of each aligner tray. While you should always wear your aligner trays as much as possible, it is even more important during the first two days.
  2. Commit to wearing the trays as much as possible, at least 20 hours a day but preferably 22 hours. Invisalign will not be effective if you do not wear your trays for this amount of time.
  3. Change trays on time, in the right order. Don’t try to accelerate treatment by switching trays before their appointed time, as this can lead to severe root damage.
  4. Maintain good oral health by brushing, flossing, and rinsing. This is even more important during Invisalign treatment, where the aligners can hold gunk against your teeth and prevent saliva from cleansing the teeth normally.
  5. Care for your aligners properly. Make sure to keep them clean by rinsing with warm water and antibacterial soap. We do not recommend that you use toothpaste to clean your trays, as many toothpastes contain whitening elements that can scratch the plastic. Invisalign also offers branded cleaning products.
  6. Keep your aligners safe! Wrapping up your aligners in a napkin to eat is a sure way to accidentally throw them away. Leaving your aligners out with a curious dog can result in chewed up aligners. Keep your aligners in your designated containers whenever they are not in your mouth to keep them safe, as replacement aligners can be very costly and delay your treatment.
  7. Once done with treatment, follow all post-treatment recommendations from your orthodontist. Use your retainers as recommended, which can often be to wear the retainers all day for a few months, then only at night. Not following these recommendations can cause patients to lose some progress and shift their teeth back to misalignment.


Following these tips can help you get the most out of your Invisalign treatment, and get you on your way to a beautiful, even smile as soon as possible!

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