Is Your Teen Responsible Enough for Invisalign?

Being a parent can be exciting and meaningful, but it also comes with a lot of tough decisions. A lot of these decisions revolve around your child’s health. Focusing on your child’s oral health is beneficial for their dental and overall health in both the short and long-term. Setting them up for success when they are under your roof is an amazing gift. But, is your teen responsible enough for Invisalign? Below you will find the benefits of Invisalign treatment and why it’s right for your child.

Is Your Teen Responsible Enough for Invisalign?

You may wonder if your teen is responsible enough for Invisalign. This is an understandable question, but it’s important to consider your options. Invisalign and traditional braces are the most effective orthodontic treatments for alignment issues. Both require maintenance and consistency. If your child needs orthodontic treatment, both options require some amount of responsibility on behalf of your child.

Without orthodontic treatment, your child’s oral health could be impacted. Crooked teeth increase the risk of tooth decay, cavities, and tooth loss. Getting your child prepared for treatment is necessary and if they are old enough for the treatment, they are old enough to handle the responsibilities that come with it. Even if your teen is not considered responsible, this is a great way to show them how to be disciplined and care for their oral health.

Benefits of Invisalign for Teens

Everyone can picture the kids they know growing up who had a mouth full of braces. Times have changed and there are more discreet options that are just as effective as traditional braces. Below are some of the top benefits of Invisalign for teens.


With the advent of social media, modern teens are very invested in their appearance. Invisalign includes a series of aligner trays that are clear and discreet. This can help your child feel more “normal” as compared to looking different than their peers with traditional metal braces. Save them the embarrassment and opt for Invisalign.


Invisalign treatment is comfortable which is a huge asset for teens. Puberty comes with enough discomfort, so finding a treatment option that is safe and comfortable is one less thing your teen needs to worry about. The aligners easily pop in and out without issue and are really easy to clean.

Long-Term Oral Health:

Those who choose Invisalign often have healthier teeth post-treatment. This is because the aligners are completely removable, so it decreases the risk of discoloration and tooth decay during treatment. Food can easily get stuck in braces and impact the health of your teen’s teeth if it gets trapped in a hard-to-reach place.


It seems as though teen can be embarrassed by everything due to the pressure and transitions during puberty. However, Invisalign trays are convenient and easy to use. This is especially true when it comes to eating. Unlike braces, they won’t have to spend hours in front of the mirror flossing and picking things out their teeth. Aligner trays can be easily removed before eating and then put back in right after. This can help reduce any issues around eating as your teen can eat as they normally would without issue.

Invisalign Treatment

If your teen needs orthodontic treatment, contact the top orthodontist in Los Angeles. Dr. Nikaeen and her team are skilled in orthodontic treatment and have helped countless teens improve their dental aesthetic and oral health. Getting your Invisalign teen in Los Angeles treatment can set them up for long-term success when it comes to your oral health. Investing in your teen’s oral health benefits their overall health as well. Contact Dr. NIkaeen today for a consultation with your teen!

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