Study Finds People Are Judged by the Straightness of Their Teeth

Santa Monica, CA – A recent study conducted by Kelton Research for Invisalign is helping to prove a widely understood but often unconsidered truth: people with straight teeth are often perceived as more successful, happier, and generally better off than those with crooked teeth.


About the Study

Generally, about two-thirds of Americans are more likely to remember features they find attractive. According to the Kelton study, this may be one of the reasons why we are so fascinated with an attractive smile and why we tend to remember it.

The study consisted of 1,047 Americans looking at pictures of individuals with crooked and straight teeth. Here are just a few of the facts pulled from the study on straight teeth and the perception of success.

  • 29 percent said the first aspect of a person’s face they typically notice is their teeth.
  • 45 percent perceived those with straight teeth to be more likely to get a job than those with crooked teeth, even if both had a similar skill set.
  • People with straight teeth were 58 percent more likely to be seen as successful and 58 percent more likely to be seen as wealthy.
  • People with straight teeth were seen as 57 percent more likely to get a date based on their pictures than those with crooked teeth.
  • 73 percent were more likely to trust someone with straight teeth and a nice smile than someone with other desirable attributes (a nice car, nice clothes, etc.).
  • People with straight teeth were seen as 21 percent more likely to be happy, 47 percent more likely to be healthy, and 38 percent more likely to be smart.
  • 38 percent of participants would not consider going on a second date with someone who had crooked teeth.
  • 57 percent of participants said they would rather have straight teeth than clear skin.

What Does This Study Mean?

The study shows most people prefer straight teeth to crooked teeth and that assumptions are made based on the straightness of a person’s teeth without any other facts present. This can be difficult to swallow, especially if your teeth aren’t the straightest, but there is a way to get the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Invisalign and braces aren’t just for teens. Adults use Invisalign and braces to improve the look of their smiles, too.

Contact Dr. Nikaeen for More Information

f you’re interested in improving your smile, contact Dr. Nikaeen, an orthodontist serving Los Angeles and Santa Monica, CA. After an examination, a treatment plan can be created to help your smile look much more attractive to boost your life satisfaction. Call Nikaeen Orthodontics today at (310) 444-1113.

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